Beyond Failure

a Journey to Self
Through a series of true personal stories, experiences, and insights Beyond Failure takes you on an emotionally filled journey from difficult beginnings, through reflections, to face your own setbacks.
Painstakingly written so that you too, may become free of any negative perception of Failure. 
As you read through Connie Lynne's story, you too will travel Beyond Failure to the successful realization that your own potential can be achieved and surpassed.
A liberating, non-judgemental resource regarding our insecurities and human frailties. 

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Most of us wish we could improve things about our lives, however, change is difficult, especially if we don't know what change we want. This book is a self-help reflection of possibilities.
Beyond Failure is filled with concise and thought-provoking, down to earth true stories and dissections about the universal affliction we call failure.

Through Connie Lynne's unique insight , she brings you into a world of triumph through failure.

Message from the author

After my first book was published, I thought I had been through it all, but I could not have been more wrong.
Once the storm settled, a few years later, I saw the beauty and insight that had been hidden within the apparent destruction.This book touches on some of them.
I’m the first to admit that I have had my share of failures, however; I do not consider failure to be bad.
It is not in spite of my failures, but rather by facing my failures that I found my success!
This book chronicles my journey through failure.
I invite you to sneak a preview into my life, my journey and my message. You will see the undeniable value that failure held for me, as well as the reflection of what it has taught you in your failure experiences. 
May we ‘all’ continue to fail forward!



What people are saying about Beyond Failure

“Easy read, conversational flow, inspiring and heartwarming. Connie reveals her life, warts and all, and makes it easy for us to see ourselves in her reflection. Her tone is not-authoritive, but rather and "I am beside you on your path" type of attitude, so it comes of much more caring then preachy. Full of great quotes, this book will make you cry, but in a life-affirming way. Well worth your time.!”


“Very well written self-help book! Connie shows herself as very human yet very easy for any reader to identify with. I can see this book helping many people change their futures positively!”


“A guided tour through the pitfalls of perception, painfully transparent, heartfelt and uplifting

Editor for Butterfly Breeze 

“Connie Lynne bares her soul as she takes you on a journey through her life in a series of stories from devastating to exhilarating. Her unique perspective on the lessons that life and failure had for her will challenge you to view your own setbacks as stepping stones. Her style is personal, genuine, free of, "quick fix" gimmicks and refreshingly uplifting."

Angry Woman Productions

“Beyond Failure was obviously written by a woman who truly understands the pain that one experiences when faced with the trauma of repetitive failure. Connie Lynne's recount of rising above human imperfection was refreshing and liberating."

Shadow Press

 "A captivating, heart-warming, passage of time, an inspiring read."
