Pillar One

Pillar one provides the Foundation for Self Love

One thing is clear, unless you accept yourself for who you are, freedom will be exhaustingly futile.

In order to be free to live YOUR life you need to LOVE yourself enough to take the difficult journey to freedom.

  • How you Think determines how you feel
  • How you Feel determines what you believe
  • What you Believe determines what you are willing to do to life the life of your dreams

Love and Accept Yourself


Through Pillar One

You will learn how to:

1. Regain control of your life
2. Pay close attention to your thoughts.
3. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations
4. Take responsible for how you feel
5. Gain the ability to be treated with dignity
6. Observe and deal with reality
7. Take care of your needs
8. Understand why you feel what you feel

...YOU will learn to Respect Yourself

Pillar one Includes the Importance of Boundaries

In order to stand up for your boundaries you first have to love yourself. And then, you need to know what your personal boundaries are and then gain the strength to stand up for them. This portion of the workbook creates clarity, helping define who you are and what you will and will not tolerate in your life.

Boundary-ChartThrough the Boundary section you will learn how to:

1. Define and respect your OWN boundaries
2. Separate emotionally from critical people
3. Expect and accept  criticism
4. Let others be angry, disappointed or frustrated.
5. Stay in touch with who you are and what you need
6. Make decisions that are right for you
7. Say no to things you don’t want      
8. Learn how to handle difficult people

Setting and keeping Boundaries is not easy...
…but Worth It!

The Five Pillars of Freedom

Our Complete Program is based on years of personal experience, extensive research and years and years of assisting individuals reach their own Life’s Freedom. 

The Five Pillars of Freedom

Introduction:  Inner Strength

Pillar One:      Love and Accept Yourself
Pillar Two:      Believe that It is Possible
Pillar Three:   Set and Prioritize Your Goals
Pillar Four:     Create Habits
Pillar Five:      Observe and Modify 

(click on the links above for detailed information on each Pillar) 
